Search Historical Books(1749 - 1900)
About Our Historical Books Archive
Our historical books archive contains much more than just old books. Uncover hard-to-find facts about your ancestry in these remarkably diverse genealogy records which include:
- Old Maps & Atlases
- Vintage Ads & Prints
- Theater Programs & Playbills
- Funeral Sermons, Eulogies & Elegy Poems
- Old Academic Rewards of Merit
- Vintage Invitations
- Tax Bills
- Town Meeting Reports
- Almanacs
- Rare Old Books
- Autobiographies & Memoirs
- Biographies
- Genealogies
Finding Your Ancestors in Historical Books
Old books, historical maps and documents—particularly those that detail the history of a U.S. town, village, or county—are priceless additions to your genealogy research.
Family trees provide names and dates; however, they lack the whole family story. Our ancestors often socialized at work-sponsored events, schools, church gatherings, clubs and organizations affiliated with their religious beliefs or ethnic heritage.
Search this unique online database to get some insights into an elusive ancestor. These old historical records can provide an amazing amount of information about the time period in which your ancestor lived.
Take a step back into their lifetime when you explore these vintage advertisements, theater programs, invitations, church sermons, maps, books and other historical documents.