Unionville, Nevada, Historical Obituaries in Newspapers (1865 - 1865)

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Jas Morsehead, Wm Lofthouse, Jas Lathlean Registered Voters
Jas Morsehead, Wm Lofthouse, Jas Lathlean Registered Voters for Precinct No. ?, Buena Vista, Humboldt County, Nevada, for 1864. Silver State, Friday, Oct 24, 1884 Unionville, NV Vol: 25 Issue: 17 Page: 4.
Silver state
Unionville, Nevada

Clipped 3 years ago

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Richard Morsehead to Wood River
Joe Miller and Richard Morsehead left this place yesterday for Wood River. They travel on horseback, with a pack-horse to carry their blankets, provisions, etc., and go by way of Cornucopia. Silver State, Friday, May 13, 1881, Unionville, NV, Vol: 18, Issue: 33, Page: 4.
Silver state
Unionville, Nevada

Clipped 3 years ago

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The trial of Clara Belle McDonald...
The trial of Clara belle McDonald, charged with attempting to murder her father-in-law, Dr. McDonald, had to be postponed again last Tuesday because the defendant had "nervous fits." Her father, Colonel Gardner, thought the fits would subside in a day or two and the case was continued until today.
Silver state
Unionville, Nevada

Clipped 3 years ago

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Clara Belle McDonald
Clara Belle McDonald has been acquitted of assault with intent to murder, on the ground of insanity, Clara has been set at liberty, and virtually given a license to shoot whomsever she pleases, because she is insane. A lunatic asylum would seem to be the proper place for Clara.
Silver state
Unionville, Nevada

Clipped 3 years ago