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Start Free Trial NowTitle: 1930-07-19 Flashes of life
Description: The Evening Gazette (Worcester, MA), p. 8
NEW YORX—Tha crown princess of tannta It heart whole and fancy tree. Arming from England Ml** Helen Jacoba waa Informed that Mrs. Helen Wills Mbody. upon debarking, had gona to the W section ta await hsr baggage. Mite Jacob* eeid that aueh a mistake waa quite unlikely In her case so-far as aha could see. o . . ASBURY rARK, N. J.—William X. Barrett, it, and John Rau, 31, ere contract bridge sharp*. They •on tha state championship de- died under the auspices of the American Bridge league. Barrett says lie bis not teen over Success- fet In prep schools and It still try Ing to qualify for college. Rau *orfc| for a Wall street firm. NTW YORK—Marshal) ‘ "field. 3d. turfman and yachuman. it also an tvtator. After 11 houra of Inatructlon In a dual control plana he haa mad* hit first solo night in hit own biplane. Ke also owns an amphibian end soma newspapers note a report that he in* tends to make a honeymoon tour of Xurope with the present Mrs. Dudley Ooeu, widow of a British army officer, after Mr*. field, who has been in Reno nearly three months, obtains a divorce. ——o NEWPORT, R. L — Midnight drama, outdoors Is society's latest treat, Mrs. Motet Taylor waa hon est at her country emu. In a natural amphitheater proteislonal players performed Rostand's trsr* esty of "Romeo and Juliet." - ii ■ Q. HEW TOWK—A span of chestnut ^rees wts tong Used by Mrs. Elizabeth w. Salary jn preference to motor cars and the has bequeathed 113.000 for their cart with the pronto that they C—all sot U Used for commercial pur. poaea. Eta waa the widow ot a turf, man. O ATLANTA—for 18 years A. H. Hrsy of New York has been sending annually hit pension of gtw to the Confederate Soldiers’ home, lie says he and the other Boys In (Hue ae* u#H provided tor and the money could be put to better use by the Bojt in oray. TORK — S^vid Belateo and thud Warfield are friends again. Pro- outer and actor worked togethtr for but disagreed and did net even spear. WerfieWY 10r.**a its broushl them togetaer. WILLIAMS LAKE, B. c^A mys terious enormous, terrify Ing fish, hnoun at an ogopogo. H in the Una If Koderlrk MstKenrte, provtnrtsl tegUlatoe, has things straight. lie »»ys something elastic and ante unrolled and upset his sailboat and It might easily base been sueh a creature. Legend Is that an ogo- pogo once wrecked a boalHad of Indians at the same spot and con veyed them lo the ratine ocean by a subterranean passage. trxw ronK^mS'J^fMM fu„ y the only woman allowed in one of the moat exclusive and highest elube (alti tude and price) in the world wm ta tele phene operator of the Cloud club M stories up in a Skyscraper, and one of her outlet la to see that no other woraan get* in. The club it e luncheon affair with Vanderbilts and the like in IU membership. FIRE RECORD • July 18—8.M p. rs. Engine 3. Cattle and Aiden streets. Ho nr*. 8.13 p. at. Kras 7. Bedroom nre. muted by eUtwig clothes with ram* line, at 47 Loenaetlne street Blight damage. •xa p. as. Engine 8. R*y stack »a fire ctf Hutton Lute. Pact the live der ent fect 1, of ca of dent be district on fied der lect turned epetate motion In out tor mine*. ing quest committee ators question* the empowered FARMER U. HIGHWAY Steps a tee et
Clipped 3 years ago
- Evening Gazette
- Worcester, Massachusetts
- Jul, 19 1930 - Page 8